What's the background behind ‘Herbie Bone’? When did you start performing etc?

Well, I started playing on my own in like 2018 I think. I would just go down to open mic nights and play a couple of songs to try to gauge people's reactions to it. Then after a while my friend Vig would play drums for me and we’d do a few gigs. Then I asked Henry if he could play bass for me. I think the first time I ever spoke to him, I just said “Oi mate can you play bass” and he said yeah so we just met up the next day to go over some tunes. After a while, George joined us on drums. Then when we all moved to London was when we met Dexter. And Juch, who I’ve known for years, started getting involved around then too. It’s really nice to be surrounded by people you get on with so well, and I think it’s really important for the music as well. You’ve got to have a good understanding of how everyone else in the band likes to play and where they like to play so that everything can sit together nicely.

How would you describe your sound to those who haven’t heard you?

I always find this a bit of a hard question. I got into music through loads of post-punk bands like Joy Division, The Cure, etc and also old jazz stuff, like I really love Chet Baker and Billie Holiday. So I like to think both of those things lend quite a lot to the music we make, but I’m finding new stuff to listen to all the time and picking up inspiration from everywhere. I also think whatever you’re reading or watching, or even something you see on the street, all influences what you make. Whatever you consume will affect the stuff that comes out of you. Creatively I mean.

Talk us through the new single. What’s the inspiration behind the song?
The simple answer is that the song's kind of a timeline of a drunken night out. You stumble home hardly awake and then once you get into bed you start just having crazy dreams, while you try and tell yourself to take all your problems and just worry about them tomorrow. I think there’s also a lot of self-examination in the lyrics and it’s kind of about someone trying to study their psyche and understand why things happen the way they do. Another thing with this song was when I wrote it I was watching 'The Sopranos' and kept getting really ill. So I’d be half conscious just drifting in and out of episodes trying to stay up to date on what was going on having missed large chunks of episodes. I think that’s where a lot of the stuff about confusion and uncertainty in the song comes from.

What was the process like for putting it together?
To be honest I’ve really taken my time with this one. I wrote it with just guitar and vocals around March I think. Then we didn’t end up recording it properly till September. Honestly, I’m glad it took that long because it meant we ended up working with this guy Al who runs a studio called Shrunkenheads in South London. Al is probably one of my favourite people I’ve met since living in the city, he’s got stories for days about all kinds of crazy shit, but he’s also really great at bringing new ideas to the table for recording and adding texture to a track. We spent the day in the studio with him drinking tea and smoking polish cigarettes till we got everything on the song down. I then sent it off to Cass who’s my go-to guy for producing anything. I’ve worked with him loads over the years and he knows exactly how I want my stuff to sound, so he nailed the track by the second mix.

You’ll be celebrating the single with a launch party. Tell us about this.
Yea! I’ve been talking to Baxter who runs listed side effects about putting something on for ages. We’ve known each other for a few years now and have worked on bits and bobs together, but it’s really nice to come together and create everything for this night. I think although our aesthetics are slightly different, they’ve met perfectly on the whole project and it’s all run super smoothly. This will also be the first show I’ve done with Willow. We’ve been pretty much best mates for years now and have always wanted to do a show together but have only got around to it now. She’s amazing, man. I'm so privileged to be around someone so talented and inspiring, who’s also so humble and down to earth. We’ll also be playing with Mary in the junkyard who I’ve only met recently but they’re fast becoming one of my favourite bands. It’s gonna be a big night for sure.


Photos by Baxter Adams 

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