At the start of the month, I made myself comfortable in the usual haunch of the George Tavern smoking area to catch up with Otto, Edie and Ollie from Wonderbug. We pre-emptively discussed the upcoming release of their debut single ‘Hiding in plain sight’, music videos and all things wonderfully buggy. Two weeks later the four piece had packed out the George to celebrate the release, accompanied by a chorus of voices singing along, sparkly dresses and a stage diver. A night to remember. This is how the interview went:

What is your new single about?

Ollie: Knowing who you are but putting up a front, hiding behind something else

How does the creative process behind your music come about?

Edie: Ollie usually comes with ideas, then we jam it out and create a vibe.

Ollie: Sometimes I come with a little hook and then we go from there

Edie: Yeah it usually comes from Ollies little seeds

Otto: It happens mathematically

Edie: Stylishly

Ollie: Philosophically

And how are you feeling about the release?

Edie: I’m feeling optimistic! We’re so gassed, we’ve been working this for time and were just so excited to share. It sounds so stupid but y’know we are happy with it.

How did you find the process of recording this single?

Otto: Hard, very hard

 *they laugh*

Edie: I don’t want to know what Yuri did to Otto in that process. Melodica and Kazoo is Yuri and Howell, who put together the single with us. It wasn’t laboursome at all it was fun, good vibes all round

Otto: It was good; however, Yuri had this weird thing when he kept trying to beat box over the track and turn down the drum track, that was kinda weird, I had to keep stopping him, I hope it doesn’t reflect on the track.

What about you all is hiding in plain sight?

Ollie: I’m a football fan but I read a book on the way there, I’m an intellectual

Edie: Pretending that I’m sick on stage, but I’m not in real life 

Otto: I just want to wear a dress

You have a music video to record over the weekend, what are your anxieties what are your excitements?

Ollie: I’m anxious about how sexy I’m going to look, and I’m excited about how sexy everyone else is going to look

Edie: I think that’s kind of perfect haha

Ollie: I’m excited to see the vision come together. We’re going for a lot of browns, a lot of greens, it’s a swamp, it’s a moss, its everything. I would say autumnal, I would also say wet.

Edie: As a band we’re very autumn

Ollie: The music video is directed by Bertie warner, its going to be great, its ethereal, its autumnal, its those colours which just mould on the ground, you know?

Edie: Love blossoms in autumn and love also breaks down in autumn because people get cold 

What’s your USP performance wise, and do you enjoy it?

Otto: The geometry, I would say the geometry is the main thing. Looking into the physics, academic stuff a lot.

Edie: Our stage presence is a sphere for sure

What influences did you have on your single?

Ollie:  Hacker T dog, Snail Beach

Otto: Bill Withers

Edie: Though as a band we sound next to nothing like them, I would say my influence musically and vocally is Lets’ Eat Grandma

What day of the week are you?

Ollie: I’m a Thursday

Edie: I’m also a Thursday

Otto: Sunday. I love a warm scarf, how it feels on a cold Sunday morning. I like getting home from a cold walk with a Sunday roast waiting for me. Filling my belly with it and a bottle of wine and going to bed early. Sauvignon Blanc.

I can see the autumnal influence everywhere



Interview by Lois Thomas 

Photos by Bertie Warner 

Edits by Daisy Daniels

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